Water Damage: 2 Easy Ways to Spot It


Condo Fees: Why Are They So High?


Blind Bidding: 3 Little-Known Home Buyer Rights

Temporary residents are now eligible to purchase homes. #CoffeeWithKarim

Exception to Canada’s Foreign Buyer’s Ban

Temporary residents are now eligible to purchase homes. #CoffeeWithKarim

A Realtor’s guide to home touring


Buyer’s Remorse: How To Deal With It


How much freedom is appropriate for Buyers in your home?

Nick answers Reddit: Question of the week

What’s the cheapest or best time to buy a house in Canada?


Is it safe to buy a condo built in the 1800s?

Nick answers Reddit: Question of the week

What is a 1 + 1 bedroom?

Nick answers Reddit: Question of the week